Frequently Asked Questions
What are the school hours?
School is in session from 7:20 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Does Sierra Linda provide bus transportation for students?
We do provide bus transportation for our students, though we consider it a privilege and not a right. In order to ride the bus, students must obey all bus rider safety rules and provide the driver with an atmosphere that will allow him or her to direct full attention to safe driving. For more information regarding bus transportation, please see the Student Procedures Handbook and Student Procedures Handbook – Spanish. You are also welcome to visit the Transportation page on the district website to learn more and access bus route information.
What is Sierra Linda’s attendance policy?
Daily attendance and punctuality are of the utmost importance in order to assure student success in school. We expect students to take responsibility for attending all of their classes on time. Please take time to review our attendance timeline under Parent Information on the Home page. If your child must be absent, please contact the attendance clerk at 623-474-7701. Parents must provide the following when calling the school to report a student absent:
- Student name
- Student identification number
- Day(s) absent
- Reason for the absence
- Address/phone number where we can reach the parent if needed
What if my child must take medication during school hours?
Parents must submit paperwork to the school office, giving permission for the student to receive medication. Please bring prescription medication in its original container as prepared by the pharmacist with the proper labeling. Bring over-the-counter medication in its original packaging
Are electronic devices allowed on campus?
We allow students to use electronic devices before and after school, during passing periods, and at lunch. Any type of in, on, or over the ear speaker are prohibited at all times.
What if my son or daughter wishes to transfer or withdraw from a class?
All students wishing to transfer a class must complete the request to transfer by the second week of the semester unless the reason for the request is based upon inappropriate placement.
A student may withdraw from a class without penalty through the end of the second week of the semester. After the second week, a student must have a passing grade in order to withdraw without penalty. A student who withdraws with a failing grade will have a grade of F on the permanent transcripts.
How do students qualify for Honor Roll?
A student qualifies for Honor Roll with a GPA of 3.0 or better for all graded classes and no grades of “F” or “I.”
What is West-MEC?
West-MEC (Western Maricopa Education Center) is a public high school district focused solely on innovative Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, which empower students to enter the workforce and pursue lifelong learning.
CTE programs combine academic and career skill development and provide students with college credits, internship opportunities, and industry certifications.
West-MEC supports 24,000 students enrolled in CTE programs at career-education facilities and on the campuses of 40 high schools in 12 member school districts throughout the northern and western regions of Maricopa County.
How will West-MEC benefit TUHSD students?
West-MEC will substantially increase CTE opportunities and curriculum at each school within the Tolleson Union High School District. We will upgrade current courses, add new classes, and enhance our facilities. West-MEC will help TUHSD teachers train our students to pursue higher education opportunities and/or enter the workforce. West-MEC has demonstrated community support for increased job training opportunities for all students.
If West-MEC is approved, it will mean an additional $750,000 (approximately) a year will benefit TUHSD schools and the CTE programs that are already operating on each of our campuses. This amount of funding is based on the 2,200 students who are presently taking CTE classes at our schools.
West-MEC will provide:
- TUHSD students an opportunity to participate in eight central programs including automotive technology, aviation technology, cosmetology, and EMT and fire science.
- Potential future programs that might include pharmacy tech, aerospace engineering, veterinary technology, surgical tech, and air traffic controller.
- Teachers the opportunity to participate in professional development classes that will enhance their delivery of instruction.
- TUHSD schools the ability to create Career Centers where students will receive career counseling and guidance.
How many students are enrolled in CTE?
Currently, there are over 2,200 TUHSD students enrolled in CTE classes throughout the district. The majority of students take CTE classes on their home campus, but there are several students who are participating in CTE programs (cosmetology and auto technology) at central locations.
What are the classes offered in TUHSD?
The Tolleson Union High School District currently offers the following classes:
- Culinary Arts
- Sports Medicine
- Business Operations
- Fashion
- Welding
- IT Programming
- Marketing
- Early Childhood
- Bioscience
- Drafting
- Auto Tech
- Carpentry
- Electronics
- Finance
What are the four components of the CTE Model?
CTE is an instructional delivery system that gives students a well-rounded learning experience. CTE focuses on classroom and interactive laboratory instruction. Students also participate in personal and leadership development through Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs). The CTE Program Delivery Model is comprised of four components:
- Classroom Instruction
- Hands-On Instruction
- Career-Based Experience
- Leadership Development
How do CTE students perform academically?
- 92% of students who completed a CTE program passed AIMS Math as compared to a passing rate of 70% for all other students.
- 95% of students who completed a CTE program passed AIMS Reading as compared to a passing rate of
- 75% for all other students.
- 96% of students who completed a CTE program passed AIMS Writing as compared to a passing rate of
- 72% for all other students.
- 99% of students who completed a CTE program graduated on time as compared to 76% for all other students.
How will CTE prepare students for the future?
- Of the 30 jobs projected to grow at the fastest rate over the next decade in the United States, only seven require a bachelor’s degree.
- Students who take at least three CTE courses during high school earn on average $2,500 more per year than other students.
- Many CTE programs enable students to earn industry validated certifications.
What is open enrollment?
Open enrollment enables Arizona students to attend public schools outside their district attendance areas or outside their district of residence and is open to all Arizona students. Check out our open enrollment FAQs for more information.