World Language

Welcome to our World Language page! At Sierra Linda High School we offer Spanish. We believe that learning a second language is vital in today’s society. Students who choose to learn a second language build multi-tasking skills, improve their memory and decision making skills, and even improve their English.


In this class we explore the fundamentals of the Spanish language. Students will use basic vocabulary related to people, places, things, and actions related to their own lives. In addition, students will learn cultures of the people where the language is spoken.

AP Spanish Language & AP Spanish Literature

These advanced Spanish courses offer a wide range of opportunities to improve Spanish skills, focusing in three modes of communication: interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational. Through the study of literature and language, the students enrich and improve cognitive, analytical, and communication skills that support other academic areas. The students explore classic and modern Spanish-literature authors and their cultural, historic, or political frame. They analyze themes and features of artists, representations, and audiovisual material. These courses prepare the students for an AP test that will help them to earn up to 15 college level credits. ¡Bienvenidos!

World Language Staff

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